Postgraduates @ INCISE

INCISE provides a supportive environment for postgraduate & doctoral students and Early Career Researchers. Our PhD researchers have decided to create a safe space for blogging, sharing ideas and discussing current events, broadly in relation to the four key themes  of INCISE:

  • Gender and Sexuality/-ies.
  • Religion, Ethics and Faith.
  • Health; Mental health, Dis/variability and Well-being.
  • Socio-economic Justice and Sustainability.

They encourage contributions from anyone who is looking for a space to voice their opinions or their research ideas, simply get in touch with/send a draft to Nicole Holt, nch12[[AT]] and Peter Walker, p.m.walker13[[AT]]

Blogs are intended as thought pieces of their author and do not necessarily represent the views of INCISE.

Their blog can be found on